MATHia Focus Tool

A screen full of text can be intimidating and confusing for students.  This can create a barrier for learning if they are visually overwhelmed by the task of reading, and can interfere with their ability to solve math problems. Reading rulers, a translucent overlay that can cover portions of a physical text, are used in many classrooms to support students with managing large blocks of texts. Using a digital version allows students to customize their view of where to focus, and gives them autonomy to decide when they need support and when they don't. The Focus Tool in MATHia helps students by letting them customize what they see. It's like a special tool that can cover up the parts of the text they don't need right now, so they can concentrate better on what's important. 




Using the Focus Tool


To open the Focus Tool, select the button found at the top of the workspace.





Research Behind the Focus ToolCopy of Focus Tool References





Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines are a tool for implementing UDL, a framework to improve teaching and learning that is grounded in the learning sciences, and insights into how humans learn. The UDL Guidelines are a set of suggestions for ensuring access and meaningful participation in learning opportunities for every learner. The MATHia vocabulary supports are aligned with the guidelines and checkpoints listed below.