If you are having trouble saving flies from Piskel, please follow the steps below to resolve the problem.
Step 1: Saving the files from Piskel to an online folder.
When Piskel first started, they had online Galleries for each user, but that was phased out at the end of July 2021. What the student needs is an online folder of their own. This can be a student folder that the school provides or a Google account with Google Drive space.
Once the student has saved the .piskel and .png files to their local drive, they will need to upload a copy to their online drive and note the URL of the image file itself (not just the folder URL). Suggest to the student that they save the files into a folder called “Essentials_of_Coding” with a subdirectory of “art” to keep things neat and orderly.
Step 2: Adding the URL into your MakeQuest project.
As the video indicates, your student should use the URLs from their online folders to point the loadimage function to the correct files.
Step 3: Zipping the files and uploading to Passport.
There are assignments within Passport where your student will be asked to upload their art files, but the system does not allow multiple uploads to the same question. The directions for the uploading assignment should say “zip your player, background, and goal pixel art and upload that zip file here.”
For information on how to zip files for upload, see:
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