MakeQuest Overview

The following article will provide a quick overview of everything you need to know to get started with using the MakeQuest coding environment in your classroom.

Courses that use MakeQuest 



Accessing MakeQuest

  1. After logging in to Passport, navigate to the landing page for your course.

  2. Select the Resources tab from the ribbon at the top of the page.



  1. Select Launch MakeQuest from the top row of listed resource icons.



  1. MakeQuest will open and run immediately.


MakeQuest Overview


MakeQuest is a fun and engaging learning tool that walks students through the basics of reading and writing JavaScript code while playing through the levels of a simple platformer game. Students remix game code in order to defeat the evil villain “404” and can see the effects of their changes in the coding environment reflected immediately in the game. MakeQuest opens and runs within Zulama, requiring no external software or licensing. This tool can run on its own or can be worked into lessons as part of a number of preorganized assignment bundles.

How to Use It