Group Comprehension Report

Each ClearFluency selection includes questions that correlate to specific comprehension strategies and skills, and help reinforce specific levels of thinking. Use this report to learn how well your students are using these strategies, skills, and levels of thinking to understand the readings. Successfully answering the comprehension questions demonstrates a clear understanding of the text. For students who are struggling with comprehension, this report can help identify areas in which those students needs more practice.

For an in-depth look at how ClearFluency teaches comprehension, along with a list of examples, see About ClearFluency comprehension.

ClosedWhich results are included?



Overall Comprehension Score graph

This graph summarizes how well your students are comprehending what they read; that is, how well your students are using comprehension strategies, skills, and levels of thinking to understand the readings. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension.

The graph includes the Think About Its and quiz questions from the selections completed within the date range.



Strategy/Skill graph

The Strategy/Skill graph illustrates the group's proficiency in using the individual comprehension strategies and skills to understand text. Students mostly practice comprehension strategies using the Think About Its in the Preview and Read on My Own activity, and comprehension skills during the Take the Quiz activity. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension.

The graph only shows results for selections completed within the date range. Each bar maps results for a comprehension strategy or skill as follows:


Note: Because individual comprehension strategies and skills are measured across multiple selections, it may take some time before you start to see patterns emerge. For example, Retell/Summarize questions may only appear in one out of every three or four selections, which means you may need to wait for the group to read several more selections before you'll be able to tell if the student has a problem with that strategy.



Level of Thinking graph

Every prompt and question in the ClearFluency selections corresponds to a specific level of thinking. The Level of Thinking graph organizes the results for your students into four horizontal bar graphs—one for each level of thinking. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension.

The graph only shows results for selections completed within the date range. Each bar maps results for a level of thinking as follows:


Note: Because individual levels of thinking are measured across multiple selections, it may take some time before you start to see patterns emerge. For example, Evaluation level of thinking questions may only appear in one out of every three or four selections, which means you may need to wait for the group to read several more selections before you'll be able to tell if the student has a problem with that level of thinking.



Student Reports table

This table breaks down the comprehension results for each student in the group who used ClearFluency within the selected date range.

Student. This column lists the first and last names of all students in the group who used ClearFluency within the date range. Click a student's name to access the Student Report – ClearFluency Comprehension report for that student. Click the header to sort the report by name. When exporting this report, this table also includes student IDs for each student in the report. To learn about student IDs see Required student information. To learn about exporting reports see Export reports (Excel).

Overall Comprehension. This column shows the comprehension percent correct score for the student; that is, how well the student is using comprehension strategies and skills to understand the readings. It includes all Think About Its and quiz questions across all selections completed within the date range, and represents the number of correct responses out of the total responses given by the student. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension. Click the header to sort the report by score.

Selections Complete. This column shows the number of selections that the student completed within the date range.

TAI (Think About It) Questions Correct. This column shows the number of correct Think About Its over the total number of Think About Its responded to by the student within the date range. “Think About Its” typically represent comprehension strategies. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension.

Quiz Question Correct. This column shows the number of correct quiz questions over the total number of quiz questions answered by the student within the date range. Quiz questions typically represent comprehension skills. To learn more see About ClearFluency comprehension.