Offline Resources for English Learners - Elementary

The ClearFluency programs provide a solid base for students to learn about and practice the English language. However, students who are not familiar with English idioms, cultural references, and vocabulary may have a few extra hurdles when learning the English language. With this in mind, Carnegie Learning, Inc. has developed a set of English Learner offline resources to supplement the ClearFluency programs. 

Where are these resources found?

Download the offline resources from the Carnegie Learning Help Center here:

ClearFluency™ Offline Resources for English Learners: Elementary


What resources are provided?

The offline resources include individual, leveled lessons for the ClearFluency programs that provide targeted instruction for English Learners. The lessons are based on the SIOP® Model, with added differentiation for the Fast ForWord exercises. Many of the lessons provide writing tasks, including work with graphic organizers (for example, diagrams, tables, concept webs). 


Which of the programs have resources? 

With the exception of some new selections, most of the elementary selections in ClearFluency have resources, with multiple lessons for some of the longer and more complex selections. 

Which students will benefit from the resources?

The offline resources were written with English Learners in mind, but are certainly not limited to those students. Feel free use them with any ClearFluency student that might benefit from a little extra practice. For example: 

Which staff members can use the resources?


When should I use the resources?


How to use the resources

Download the Offline Resources for English Learners for over 600 pages of lesson topics and plans.

ClearFluency Offline Resources for English Learners