Annotation activities direct students to intentionally highlight and add notes to text selections. Highlights and notes are visible only to the student. The teacher can see them once the assignment has been submitted.
To highlight, drag the cursor over the phrase or words you wish to highlight. The highlight window will open. Click to highlight.
You can write a note by clicking on the highlighted sentence or phrase. When the highlight box open, there will be an additional option to add a note.
A post-it icon will appear near the highlighted section. Click the icon to open the note.
Annotation activities happen throughout the unit as students read the Anchor and Supporting Texts. Since the focus of the annotations, particularly with the Anchor Text, shift with each read, the annotations will demonstrate a student’s developing understanding of the text. Although the text will appear unmarked at the beginning of each lesson, both student and teacher can access previous annotations via the Activities icon on the left tool bar.