Professional Learning Resources

One of the guiding principles behind the design of Lenses on Literature is that teachers grow professionally when using high-quality curricular materials.  The Lenses framework has proven results that include built-in professional learning support.

These resources can be found in the Teacher Resources section of the Navigation Bar.  They include Teacher Literacy Competencies and Artifacts, the Carnegie Learning Blog, Professional Learning Protocols and research data.

Teacher Competencies and Artifacts

The Teacher Competencies and Artifacts PDF will give you information on the pedagogy behind Lenses on Literature as well as the specific teaching competencies it develops and the artifacts of those competencies. 


Carnegie Learning Blog

The Carnegie Learning Blog provides access to a variety of educational articles on best literacy practices.  You can scroll through the pages of articles or search for a specific topic. 


There are seven key protocols that can be found in the Professional Learning Resources section of the CLC.  They are: Accessing the Anchor Texts, Accessing the Building Knowledge Texts, Analyzing the Writing Product, Scoring Student Work and End of Unit Teacher Reflection.  

These protocols can be used to help you as you plan your instruction. 

The Research Hub

The Research Hub contains 15 research briefs.  Each brief focuses on a principle embedded in the Lenses unit design and instructional methodology.  When you click to open the brief, you will find a summary of the research, a bulleted list of key points, a short description of the studies and an annotated bibliography.