Logging Into the CLC as a Student

To login to the CLC please go to the CLC login page and follow the steps listed below.

Existing Account

If you have an account, enter your user name and password and click the login button.



Creating an Account

If you haven’t created an account, click the Set Up Account button.


Select Student as your role.   Then, enter your user name along with the name of your school.  Your school name should pop up after you type in the first several letters of its name.  




Once you log into the CLC, you will be taken to the portal.  Click on the class that you are working in. 


You will see your To Do List with the assignments that are in progress or not started.  You can click to open them and begin working. 

To see all of the assignments from the unit, click on My Assignments on the left toolbar.  This will show you the list of all of the assignments that you’ve been given over the course of the unit.  You can filter by the assignment status by using the toolbar in the top right corner.