M&W Archive Classes

If you still have classes showing from last school year, you can archive them without losing any data. You and the students both still have access to the archived class.

*If your school uses Clever or ClassLink, your classes should be automatically archived when new classes are available for the next semester or school year.



1. From My Classes, click on the three dots to the far right of the class title you wish to archive.

2. Click Archive Class, then yes to confirm the archive. 

3. You will be returned to the class list. Archive other classes if necessary.

4. You can reverse an archive if it was done in error.



There may be times when you need to completely delete a class. In order to delete a class it must first be archived. Classes can remain as archived or deleted. Students have access to classes that are archived, but not deleted. Once a class is deleted, it is removed from Passport, along with any assignments or student information.


1. To view archived classes, click on the Archived Classes tab. 

2. Click on the trash can to the right of the course you wish to permanently delete.

3. Click yes to confirm the delete.

4. Delete other classes if needed, or click on the My Classes tab to return to your active classes.

5. You cannot un-delete a class.