Your school or district may have opted for automatic rostering and single sign-on capabilities through Clever, ClassLink, Canvas, etc.
Although your classes are created for you based on your schedule, you must complete class setup and assign a program for the class to have full functionality for both teachers and students.
When you log in, you should get a popup window which will ask you to set the program and level for each of your classes.
If you teach all the same level, then you can choose an overall program and level in the top part of the window. Click the dropdown arrow for program, then level. That program and level will be applied to every class in your class list. Click Save. You will be returned to My Classes.
If you teach several different levels, choose a program and level for each class in the second half of the window. Click the dropdown arrow for program, then level for each class.
Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom and click Save. It will not allow you to save unless all classes have a program and level selected. You will be returned to My Classes.
If you do finish or accidentally close the window, log out and log back in.
If you still have classes without a program, you can edit each class individually from your Class Dashboard. See Edit Class Settings for details.