Getting Started with Google Classroom
The steps below will guide you as you set up the online learning environment for your English Language Arts classes
Please use your district email to log into Google
Navigate to Google Classroom and log in
Open a class in which Carnegie Learning English Language Arts Resources will be utilized
Navigate to the Classwork tab
Click +Create and select Topic
Name your topic (e.g., Class Resources) and click Add
Note: You can drag and drop your topic to place it in a specific location on your Classwork tab
Click +Create and select Material
Add a Title (e.g., English Class Digital Resources, English class Digital Resources)
Optional: Add a description (e.g., Click the link below to access the Carnegie Learning English Language Arts Resources)
Click the link icon
Paste your Carnegie Learning instant login link:
Select your newly created Class Resources topic from the topic dropdown
Use the Class dropdown to select additional English Language Arts classes that will need the link
Click Post
Upon first login/use of the resource link, users will be prompted to authenticate with Google Classroom. When the screen appears, click Allow. This authentication is only required during the first login.
Teachers and students can then utilize this link for Single Sign on access to the Carnegie Learning digital resources for their English Language Arts class.
Click on the Resource link from Google Classroom to navigate to the Carnegie Learning portal
Click on the “English Language Arts” button to launch the online platform
Upon initial login, you will need to set the program and level for each of your classes.
If you teach the same level in all of your classes, you can use the toggle option to Apply same information to all classes. If you teach different levels, use the dropdowns to select the desired program and level for each class.
Click Save
Click on your profile icon in the top right corner and select Profile
Select your Timezone and State
Click Update User Settings
Teachers will utilize the Single Sign On Resource link (created in the Classwork tab) to login to Carnegie Learning’s online platform
Assignments will be created within Carnegie Learning’s online platform and automatically passed back and created within the Google Classroom class.
Once student scores are posted (either auto-evaluate or manual grading), they will also be automatically passed back
Students can utilize the Single Sign On Resource link (created in Classwork tab) to login to Carnegie Learning’s online platform at any time to access their digital English Language Arts materials
Once assignments have been created and assigned, students can utilize additional Single Sign On links, which will be automatically created for each posted assignment, for direct access to specific assignments within Carnegie Learning’s online platform. Students will view assignments within Google Classroom, and then be taken to Carnegie Learning’s online platform to complete the designated assignment
Carnegie Learning Help Center for English Language Arts
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET
Phone: 877-401-2527
Teachers: Getting Started with Edlink
NOTE; If you still have questions, please contact our support team at P: 888.851.7094 or email us at
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