Currently you can print any Teacher Resource, such as unit overviews or lesson plans. You or your students can also download PDF versions of texts and units of the student book for printing or use offline.
Printing is not yet available for student activities or End-of-Section Skills Checks, but is expected to be in late fall 2024.
Print Teacher Resources by clicking the printer icon in the toolbar on the far left.
Teachers or students can save or print a PDF version of the student text in two ways.
Go into the EReader for the unit or selection you would like to save or print. (Students will need to be assigned the EReader first to have access.)
Access the table of contents by clicking the icon on the top of the toolbar on the left
Use the table of contents to find the page range to print or save. This can be a single text or larger selection of the student book.
Click the print icon in the menu on the left
Select Custom, put in print range, and hit Print. (This will not print yet, but will direct you to another window.)
Select whether you would like to save as a PDF or print in the print window. If you select Save as PDF, you will be directed to select a location for saving.
Students and teachers can easily print on selection of text from any activity where the text is used.
Click the printer icon on the bottom of the toolbar on the left side of the screen.
Click More Settings in the print window and select Background graphics. You will print blank pages otherwise.
Choose your other printer settings – Destination, Pages, Copies and hit Save/Print.
If you have further questions, please contact Customer Support at 877.401.2527 or and click on Contact Customer Support in the upper right hand corner.