Assignments Page: Review Assignments and Give Feedback

Are you ready to review and score student work?  Navigate to the Assignments page.


Assignments Page


Assignments List


This page includes all of the activities you have assigned to your students.  If the activity is visible on this page, students can access it as well. 

Assignments Detail Page

Use this page to find and track details about assignments: 

Review and Score Student Work

Reviewing and scoring varies by assignment type. From the Assignment details page, you can:


Computer Auto-Scored Assignments

Skills Check summative assignments in the last lesson of Section 3, Section 4, and Section 6 are entirely computer-scored. They feature question types such as multiple choice, cloze, or select a section of a passage. Skills Checks include no open-ended responses for you to evaluate.


Completion Only Assignments

Completion only assignments track only if students have opened them. The status will be simply “Not Viewed” or “Viewed.” There is no formal scoring of these activities; however, you can see the skills associated with them.

Quick Score Tool Assignments

Ongoing formative assessment is the engine of learning in the Lenses on Literature program. The embedded formative assessments throughout each unit provide authentic opportunities for students to demonstrate skills in open-ended, expressive tasks. Quick score formative assignments use a simplified rubric to evaluate skills. 

Rubric Scoring Assignments

Rubric scoring assignments have a more complex scoring system. Rubric scoring assignments are used to score the unit’s final writing product as well as key assignments throughout the unit. 

This information is part of Start Your Lenses on Literature™ Journey, a comprehensive teacher resource that can be found in the Navigation Guide section of Teacher Resources in the Clear Learning Center.