M&W Examview Overview

ExamView allows you to access M&W test banks and assessments to customize, arrange, and print selection-based lesson tests, formative surveys, and unit exams.

*NOTE if you have 2020/2021 Mirrors & Windows you won’t see Examview in your resources - this is because you have access to Edulastic instead. For info on Edulastic, see the link below.


  1. If you have the ExamView Test Generator, click the ExamView icon to open.

  1. If you don’t have an account set up, go to https://account.turningtechnologies.com/

  2. Enter your school or organization email address and click Create Account.

  1. Check your email and click the link to verify your account.

  2. You can now view and customize your Mirrors & Windows test banks in Examview.


  1. For more information, see the quickstart guides and video tutorials.

Note: Examview is not supported on the newest Mac operating system, Catalina OS, but you can download the TurningPoint desktop app for features that replicate ExamView functionalities. See Related Article about Examview on Catalina below.