Teacher Implementation Guide (TIG)

Each unit in the CLC has its own Teacher Implementation Guide (TIG).  This is essentially a PDF of the paper TIG and is one ongoing document that can be navigated with the Navigation Bar on the left of the screen.   

When a unit is opened, the drop down menu appears.  Below the Unit Overview, each of the six sections of the unit are listed.  (These correspond with the phases of The Journey Tracker - Unit Launch, Comprehension, Building Knowledge, Genre Study, Synthesis and Writing Process.



There are multiple ways to access the pages of the TIG.   


First, each item in the drop down menu ie.  Overview, Unit Section or any lesson plan, has a Teacher Resource Card



Clicking on the Resource Card will open the corresponding page of the Teacher Implementation Guide.  Clicking on the arrows to the right or left will move forward or backward in the guide.


A second way to move through the guide is by clicking the post it note in the left Navigation Bar while in a lesson or section of the unit.  This will open up the Table of Contents.  

A specific page of the TIG can then be opened by clicking on an item from the dropdown menu and the guide will reposition itself to that page. 


The third way to access the guide is by clicking on a specific lesson from the Navigation Bar.  This will open up the resources for that lesson, including the Lesson Plan card.  Clicking on the card opens that page of the Teacher Implementation Guide