M&W Assignment Overview

To assign activities in Passport, you must open the Content Library. 

You may assign activities in two ways - directly from a resource on your Resources page (see Assign from Resource for details) or by searching and filtering for specific activities in the Assignables (see Related Articles below).



There are a variety of activity types that you can assign to students. Assigned activities are completed digitally within Passport. You have the ability to assign any activity or group of activities from any level or grade, to any class, group of students or individual student.


  1. eBook Activity: These include student edition, workbook, and other ancillary activities. Assigning these activities allows the students to complete them digitally. Some activities are auto-graded and students receive immediate feedback. Others are teacher-graded. You can assign any activity from any level or grade to any of the students in your courses. 

  2. Custom: These are teacher-created activities that allow you to share resources with students, create short-answer response activities, or allow students to upload different types of files for projects, presentations, etc. Some programs also have pre-created Custom activities.

  3. Performance: This is a video tool that allows you to create activities.  Because it allows teachers to mimic national oral assessments, track student proficiency over time, and give personalized feedback to students, it is widely used by world language teachers. Some programs also have pre-created Performance activities.

  4. eReaders:  Mirrors & Windows users have eReaders which are selections from the anthology, as well as our Access Editions which include popular novels. 

  5. Bundle: A bundle is a group of activities that you have grouped to assign students a single grade. Bundles can include various types of activities for the students to complete in a pre-arranged order if you choose. 



  1. You can access your Assignables at any time to browse or create activities or bundles of activities to assign to your students.

  2. Open the Content Library and the Assignables tab will open by default.

  1. This is the hub for browsing, creating, managing or assigning activities of all types. 

  2. Use the filters to narrow your search parameters. Type part of a title in the Search bar if you know the title. You can preview activities by clicking on the title. You can click the plus + to add activities to your Assign Cart, and you can click Create Content to create a Bundle or a Custom, or Performance Activity.