Creating an Engaged and Productive MATHstream Classroom

MATHstream uses adaptive learning paths to help students improve where they need it most and accelerate when they’re ready. Below are some ideas for seamlessly integrating MATHstream into your lesson plans.


Preparing the Learning Environment


Preparing to Facilitate MATHstream in the Classroom

  1. Have a plan for how you will promote the benefits of MATHstream to your students.

    • Your voice and choice of words are crucial to student buy-in.

    • Introduce MATHstream by focusing on what it is going to do for your students.

      • MATHstream empowers students to set their own pace to take ownership of their learning.

      • Students participate in embedded exercises and game-based activities that are fun, encouraging, and proven effective.

      • Adaptive learning paths ensure students get extra instruction and practice where they need it most.

      • Students build their skills and make progress in a reaffirming and low-risk environment that relieves math anxiety.

      • Dynamic math influencers bring the energy and the insights, helping students think critically, creatively, and conceptually as they deepen their math understanding.

      • MATHstream interactive videos are standards-aligned to improve classroom and school-wide performance.

  2. Have a plan for how you will monitor and celebrate student success in MATHstream.

    • What do you want to see from students as they work through MATHstream videos?

    • Will you monitor individual goals? How will you celebrate when students obtain their goals?

    • Is there a district goal? How will your district celebrate success?

  3. Set students up for success.

    • Encourage students to watch for Tutorbot hints during the video segments and ask for Hints when they need them as they answer questions.

    • When you plan class time to work in MATHstream, make sure your routines reflect a normal lesson day (opening activity, closing activity, time for reflection, etc).

    • Keep the focus on mastery learning by ensuring student learning in MATHstream is individualized and self-paced.

    • Support learning by interacting with students as they are working in MATHstream.

    • Redirect students to use the assistance features in MATHstream prior to providing them with direct teacher support.

    • Share data from the MATHstream reports with individual students to help them evaluate their progress.


Facilitation and Time Management