View the video below for more information about interactive assignments and assessments.
Follow the steps below to complete the evaluation of your students' interactive assignments and assessments.
- Log into your MyCL account and select Clear Learning Center.

- Select the Assignments tab to review what students have submitted or viewed. Interactive assignments and assessments are the only types of assignments teachers can give a numerical grade for in Clear Learning Center.

- When students have submitted an assignment or assessment, you will see Needs Evaluation in the upper right corner of the assignment tile. Select View Details on the tile to score the assignment.

- Select the student whose test you would like to score. At this time you cannot grade by question, only by student.

Some questions will be autograded.

Some questions will need to be manually graded.

If a question is gray and you are unable to score the question it means that the student did not answer the question.

- When you’re finished grading, select Submit Score.

You will be able to view students progress toward mastery in the Interactive Assignments and Assesssments Reports. These reports are standards-based and will continue to collect data over each standard throughout the year. Visit Standards Based Reports in Clear Learning Center for more information.