When and How to Check Student Readiness Using MATHbook Resources

Carnegie Learning MATHbook provides resources to help you check student readiness prior to the start of each module (Getting Ready and ReadyCheck Assessments) and each lesson (Review). 


Prior to Each Module:

Review the content provided in Getting Ready to assess student readiness in foundational topics necessary for success in the module. 


What does the Getting Ready page offer?


How do I use this information?

The insights provided from the Getting Ready Review provides the teacher with each student’s entry point prior to starting the module.




Prior to Each Module:

Assign the ReadyCheck Assessment to assess student readiness for upcoming content. 


What does the ReadyCheck Assessment offer?

ReadyCheck Assessments are brief 10 question multiple-choice formative assessments that assess readiness at the concept level. 


What do I do with the ReadyCheck Assessment data?

This article on the Help Center will guide you through using your ReadyCheck data to inform instruction.



Prior to Each Lesson:

Have your students complete the Review located at the beginning of each lesson.


What Does the Review Offer?

Because the purpose of these questions is to re-engage with skills and concepts rather than an assessment of their learning,  allowing students to collaborate during the Review offers many benefits:

  1. Students listen to other’s ideas and processes and add to their own methods.

  2. Students adjust their thinking after listening to peers' methods of solving.

  3. By listening to other students' contributions, students get the piece of information they need to jumpstart their own thinking.

  4. Students build interdependence within their collaborative groups.


What do I do with the data from the Review?

In the margin of the Teacher’s Implementation Guide you will find a call out box (pictured below) next to each Review, aligning the skills addressed in the review questions to an upcoming activity in the lesson. Knowing where the review applies within the lesson can help you identify where your students might need scaffolds related to the review skills and concepts. As students complete the review question(s), you will recognize whether or not you will really need to utilize those scaffolds.

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