What Do I Do with my ReadyCheck Assessment Data?

Your students have taken the ReadyCheck assessment. You have the reports in your hand.  Now what?


Things to Think About When Looking At Assessment Data:


Look at the Data by Standard:


Look at the Strengths Exhibited:


Look at Commonly Selected Misconceptions:


Look at Individual Student Needs:


Assign Content Based on Student and Class Data:

In Clear Learning Center:

Now that you have identified standards for enrichment and re-engagement, navigate to the Intervention Resources within each topic or search available resources using the Explore tab to assign content to individuals, small groups of students, or the whole class.

In Teacher’s Toolkit:

Now that you have identified standards for enrichment and re-engagement, search the MATHia Sequences in Teacher’s Toolkit for content to assign to individuals, small groups of students, or the whole class. 


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