Textbook Scope and Sequence

Select how you access your resources:

I access my textbooks through Textbook Materials on MyCL.

I access my textbooks through Clear Learning Center.



View and download Scope and Sequence documents for your textbook on MyCL.

Files for your course can be found on the textbook page of your MyCL account.

  1. Log in to your MyCL account.
  2. Navigate to Textbook Materials.
  3. Scope and Sequence, Scope and Sequence - Software, and MATHia Progress trackers are included at the top of the textbook resources page.


MSMS and HSMS (4th edition) MATHbook Alignment

MSMS and HSMS Textbook Alignment




View and download Scope and Sequence documents for your textbook on Clear Learning Center.


  1. Log in to your Carnegie Learning account.
  2. Navigate to the Clear Learning Center.
  3. MATHbook Scope and Sequence, MATHia Table of Contents, and MATHia Progress trackers are included in the Course Planning Resources.