Home - Your Dashboard

Your Next Stream is your featured content section. This section shows you the featured content that we recommend you do next in your math learning journey. As long as you press Watch Now in this section every time you come to MATHstream to learn math, you should be going through the content in the order recommended for you!


At the bottom of the page, you can navigate through all the Skill Streams assigned to you in the Your Streams secton of your Home page.


Use the filters In the upper right corner of Your Streams to select what you view.


On the top right, under My Stats you can see a summary of the stats you’ve earned - your coins, your skill badges, and your numbers of streaks. The My Stats area will link you to your Student Locker, where you can spend those coins on rewards.

The Skills Progress area shows you the progress through the streams that have been assigned to you. When you click on this area, you will visit your Profile page, where your Skill Badge and Achievement Badge progress is tracked. 



Use the naviation bar on the left side of the screen to jump to any other page and the Help Center.