The Carnegie Learning Way captures the belief that students develop understanding and skill by taking an active role in their environment. Furthermore, Carnegie Learning believes that effective communication and collaboration are essential skills for the successful learner. Learning is social. Whether students are working in pairs or in groups, the critical element is that they are engaged in discussion. In addition to molding the academic learner, an effective collaborative classroom also takes into account the social and emotional needs of the learner.
Help students get to know each other, and feel comfortable working together, by providing class and group teambuilding activities. To help you get started, a few example activities are listed below.
Give students a non-academic topic such as “favorite pizza toppings” to discuss. Students will take turns sharing within their group. Have students take turns sharing until the timer runs out.
Make a statement such as, "If you had a choice, would you rather be a lion or a bear?" Ask students to move to the appropriate side of the classroom. Have students pair up and share why they picked the side they did.
Have students take out one piece of paper and one pencil per group. Give students a number (such as 12). Set a timer for 1 - 2 minutes. When you say go, students will pass the paper and pencil around the group and take turns writing ways to make 12 on the paper. The goal is to be the team with the most unique ways to make the number you stated. While this activity incorporates mathematics, it is a low floor, high ceiling task that offers every student an entry point.
Have students work together regularly so they begin to feel comfortable working wth others.
Let students know how to get help.
Be aware of your verbal and nonverbal cues and what they communicate to students.
Convey your respect for all opinions.
Remember that how you prepare your classroom environment and establish norms impacts how your students feel in your classroom.
Give students opportunities to practice and reflect on their learning using active learning strategies and Talk the Talk.
Sample Active Learning Strategies | |
Turn and Talk |
Think Pair Share |
Jigsaw |
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