Auto-Calculation Feature in MATHia

The auto-calculation feature in MATHia evaluates expressions you enter and compares the value of those expressions to the correct answer.  


Where will I find this feature?

Auto-calculation is available in most text fields where students are required to enter a numerical or algebraic answer. However, it is not available on all steps in all MATHia workspaces because some problem steps in some workspaces are measuring the mastery of computational skills.



How does it work?

When you enter an expression in the text field, the MATHia system compares your expression to the correct answer. If your expression can be rewritten as the correct answer in MATHia, it will be considered correct. If it is algebraically equal to a different answer, your answer will be marked incorrect, and you may be provided with a hint.  


How do I know if auto-calculation is available?

You won’t know for certain until you try to enter an expression and receive a message like the one below. Completing the Step-by-Step problem(s) and reading directions carefully will help you understand the expectations of the workspace. 



How does auto-calculation help me?

MATHia provides you with auto-calculation so that you can focus on the most important skills to master at the moment. MATHia computes the answer for you just as a calculator would. This provides MATHia with additional information so the system can support you more effectively.

When you enter an expression in a MATHia text field, depending on the complexity of the expression you are entering, you may find it helpful to use the Expression Editor. To open the Expression Editor, click on the down arrow in the text field where you would like to type your expression. Once you have entered your expression, press enter, and the MATHia software will calculate the result.


For less complex expressions, you may use the keypad without the Expression Editor. The screenshots below show the auto-calculation feature in action for the expression 4ac where the expression was entered without the use of the Expression Editor.