Using Google Translate in MATHia

Google Translate is available once a student enters MATHia. You can enable Google Translate in your Preferences


  1. Launch MATHia.

  2. Edit your MATHia Avatar by clicking on the pencil.

  3. Check the box next to Enable Google Translate and save.

  4. You will now have the Google Translate feature at the top of your workspace screen. Choose the language you would like displayed from the dropdown menu.

  5. Select the language you would like from the dropdown menu. (Students needing Spanish content should ask their teacher(s) to assign the Spanish workspaces.)

  6. Workspace text is now translated into the language you chose.

  7. In cases where students have to input words as answers, they must do so in English unless they are working in a Spanish workspace. Students working in a Spanish workspaces can enter answers in Spanish or English.