Student Guide to ReadyCheck

This article is for MATHia Customers who use Carnegie Learning textbooks. 




ReadyCheck is a brief, formative assessment created to support student readiness by assessing readiness prior-grade standards prerequisites to gauge learning gaps or unfinished learning. Teachers may then use readiness data to determine instructional planning, such as assigning content in MATHia or MATHiaFlex without redirecting valuable class time towards remediation. ReadyChecks help teachers meet students where they are so they can jump into teaching on-grade-level content right away.

ReadyChecks assess Common Core standards (with state standards also tagged) and can be assigned at the student or class level.

ReadyChecks assess a set of prior-grade standards associated with the concept title (ex. Relating Quantities). These are approximately 5-10questions long.

*Note: All ReadyCheck questions are multiple-choice with a single correct answer.


LOCATE READYCHECK ASSESSMENTS using one of the two methods below


METHOD 1:  Use the link provided by your teacher to access the assignment.


METHOD 2:  Log in to and navigate to the Assignments page.



  1. Once you have located the ReadyCheck assessment assigned to you, click on the green Start Assignment button next to the ReadyCheck assessment title. 
  2. Click on the letter choice next to the answer you believe is correct. Once you finish a question, click on the gray arrow on the right side of the screen to move on to the next question. 
  3. Once you have finished answering all the questions, click Submit. You will then be able to view your total score percentage, percent correct, and the date and time the assessment was submitted. 
    Clicking Review will show by-question feedback.