The Session Report is designed to give teachers a day-to-day view of MATHia usage. The class view of this report gives teachers a clear view of student activity during a selected period of time and helps teachers determine if their students are meeting their MATHia usage goals.
You can easily see key usage metrics for the selected date range in the Session Averages section.
- The metrics in the Session Averages section only include Active Students in the selected group. These are students who have logged into MATHia one or more times during the selected date range. In the example below, 21/22 students are Active Students.
- Date Range Picker allows teachers to select a specific date range to include in this report.

- Sessions show the average number of sessions per student for the specified date range. A session is counted any time the student logs into MATHia.
- Workspaces Completed shows the average number of workspaces completed per student, for the specified date range.
- Time shows the average time spent in MATHia per student, for the specified date range.
- Problems Completed shows the average number of problems completed per student for the specified date range.

- The Bar Graph shows the average time per active student for the selected date range.
The Session Totals by Student table provides a more detailed view of student usage during the selected date range. This table summarizes the work each student has completed (time, sessions, workspaces, and problems).