This report is designed to monitor skill proficiency. It provides detailed information about each student's skill mastery progress organized by module, unit, and workspace.
How to use this report:
- Group students according to their skill proficiency level.
- Identify skills that need additional support or remediation.
Skill level refers to the student's proficiency level of skills practiced within the workspace, at the time of completion. Students are considered to be proficient in a skill in MATHia when they demonstrate a 95% probability that they understand that skill.

- Students Not Mastered refers to the number of students who have completed the workspace and have one or more skills below proficient in the workspace.
- For each skill, Students Below Proficient refers to the number of students who are not proficient in the skill.
- Selecting each tab allows you to focus on the skill level category breakdown by individual students.
For each skill, a student can be in one of the following categories:
- Proficient: The student has a greater than or equal to 95% probability of understanding and correctly executing that skill.
- Near Proficient: The student has a 70%–94% probability of understanding and correctly executing that skill.
- Remediation Suggested: The student has a <70% probability of understanding and correctly executing that skill.
- In Progress: The student is currently completing problems that address this skill.
- Not Started: The student has not encountered workspaces that address this skill.

In the example above, Dario and Sheridan need Remediation on this skill. Clicking on the other tabs will display the names of students who are near proficient, proficient, and in progress.
Note: Concept Builder workspaces are not included in this report because students are developing new mathematical understandings and skills are not being measured.