In the Update Roster section of the Clear Learning Center, you can add students to your class, edit student usernames and passwords, print login cards and home access letters, and change the language students will see and hear when they play MATHia Adventure.
Navigate to Manage Class located in the left-hand navigation. Then, select the Update Roster tab at the top of the page.

You can add existing students to your class or add new students. Visit Adding Students to a Class to learn more!

- Locate the student you wish to make changes for. You can only make changes for one student at a time.
- Click anywhere in the row or the pencil icon to make edits for that student. The editable fields include:
- First Name
- Last Name
- User Name
- Password
- Language

- When you change a student’s username, it must be unique. No other student enrolled in our system can have the same username. (This is across all users and not just users in your school or district). If you have entered a username that is already in use, you will be unable to save and will receive a notification at the bottom of the screen.

- When you change a student's password, it does not have to be unique, they can be the same as the entire class or even as simple as one character.

- When you change a student's language, this only affects their language in MATHia Adventure (both Zorbit’s Math Adventure and Mathstoria). It does not affect their ClearMath Elementary course resources such as the Student Resource Book, or interactive assessments.
- Language settings with Class in the name, indicate that it is the language set at the class level.

- When you have completed your changes, click Save.

- By selecting the three dots next to the pencil icon in a student’s row, you can access a student’s game play report, login card, home access letter, choose their game play language, or remove them.

Login cards and Home Access Letters provide all the required information for students to access MATHia Adventure.
- Login cards provide student login information including usernames and passwords. You can print up to 6 cards per page.
- Home Access Letters provide an introduction to MATHia Adventure for caregivers along with their student’s login information.