Viewing Your ReadyCheck Reports

After students complete ReadyCheck assessments, reports will be available for viewing students’ performance with different prior-grade standards prerequisites.


  1. Log into MyCL. Navigate to the Pear app. 
  2. Click on the Assignments tab. Under Actions you can select Live Class Board or Standards Based Report for viewing reports.
  3. ReadyCheck reports are integrated into existing Edulastic reports. You will be able to view student readiness in the existing Live Class Board and Standards Based Report tabs.
    1. Live Class Board: Provides a summary of students’ performance on ReadyChecks by-question and by-student.
    2.  Standards Based Report: View student performance according to standards addressed by ReadyCheck questions (standards must first be set up in your Edulastic profile).
  4. You may view and filter the report data, export the data from the report, and print the report.
  5. You may use the report data to instruct your decisions on assigning new content to students to ensure they gain a concrete understanding of prior-grade standards.