MATHia Content Sequences

A new school year means new content updates in MATHia!

View and download the files on MyCL to see the latest and greatest scope and sequences, MATHia tables of contents, and student-level sticker charts. 

MSMS and HSMS MATHbook and Textbook Alignment

Clear Learning Center Customers

MATHia Supplemental Sequences



MSMS and HSMS MATHbook and Textbook Alignment


Files for your course can be found on the Textbooks page of your MyCL account.

  1. Log in to your MyCL account.
  2. Navigate to Textbook Materials.
  3. Scope and Sequence, Scope and Sequence-Software, and MATHia Progress trackers are included at the top of the textbook resources page.


MSMS and HSMS (4th edition) MATHbook Alignment

MSMS and HSMS Textbook Alignment





Files for your course can be found in Clear Learning Center or Digital Books on your MyCL account.

  1. Log in to your MyCL account.
  2. Navigate to Clear Learning Center or Digital Books.

    *In Clear Learning Center, navigate to the Course Overview  and then Course Planning Resources in the Course Navigator.

    *In Digital Books, select the Teacher Resource Book and navigate to Overarching Course Materials.

  3. Scope and Sequence, Scope and Sequence-Software, and MATHia Progress trackers are downloadable from either page.


MATHia Supplemental Sequences


MATHia Supplemental Sequence documents may be downloaded from the Community Page.

  1. Log in to your MyCL account.
  2. Go to this link on the Community page.
  3. Select the Download button to download the MATHia Content Sequences 2023-2024. Follow the appropriate links to download the documents for your supplemental content.