Options for Re-Engaging Students with MATHia Content: Reviewing Versus Reassigning

MATHia software allows you to help students re-engage with content in multiple ways. Students can choose to review a MATHia workspace on their own, preserving their progress in their MATHia sequence, or, you can change a student's placement to have them redo the workspace in its entirety before progressing any further in their MATHia sequence.

When a student reviews a workspace by choice:
When a teacher reassigns a workspace:
  • Students choose to review the workspace on their own.
  • Teacher changes student placement.
Progress in Sequence
  • When a student chooses to review a sequence, it does not affect student progress in their sequence.
  • Students can review more than one workspace at a time and still return to their current placement in their MATHia sequence.
  • Student must complete the reassigned workspace before moving forward in the sequence.
  • Once the workspace is complete, the teacher must return the student to their previous placement to avoid having the student unintentionally redo workspaces.
Returning to Current Workspace
  • Students can return to their current workspace at any time. They do not need to complete the workspace in review mode first.
  • Once placement is changed, students must complete the entire workspace before they are allowed to return to their previous placement. 
Change in Performance Data
  • Completing a workspace in Review mode does not affect the performance score on the workspace.
  • The student's performance score for the reassigned workspace is recalculated using the newest attempt.