Create Carnegie Learning eBooks Account

If this is your first time using the Carnegie Learning eBooks website, you will need to create a new account to begin accessing your eBooks. To create a new account, start by visiting the Carnegie Learning eBooks website at


  1. To create a new account, start by visiting the Carnegie Learning eBooks website at

  2. On the bottom of the page, click Create an Account.


  1. Enter the requested information - all fields are required. 

    1. First Name and Last Name

    2. Email Address and Confirm Email Address - We strongly recommend using your school-issued email address if you have one.

    3. Password and Confirm Password - To avoid login issues in the future, choose a password that you will easily be able to remember. (must be at least 4 characters)



  1. Once you have entered all of the necessary information, click the red Register button. After clicking Register, you will be immediately logged in and taken to your EMC eBook account.


  1. Once you are logged in, you may also click the Account link on the bottom toolbar. A modal window containing your account information will appear. Here you may change your password or update your personal information at any time.

  1. You can redeem new eBook codes using the Redeem button.