Bookshelf Teacher Setup Quick Guide

In order to provide eBook access to students, creation of the hierarchy of your school is required. The hierarchy includes the District Administrators, School Administrators and Teachers. The District and School Administrators will allocate seats to the teachers. Teachers will manage the distribution of the seats to the students. To change your role at any time please contact Technical Support.




  1. Click the Admin link in the top bar to return to the main menu.
  2. Click the Manage School Instructors button in the School Administration Menu.
  3. Click the + Add Instructor button.
  4. In the Add New Instructor section, enter the instructor’s Email, Password, First Name and Last Name, select the school using the drop down menu and click Create Instructor.
  5. You will see a message alerting you that the Instructor Account has been added to the school.
  6. You may use the same process to add additional instructors.
  7. Click the Admin link in the top bar to return to the main menu.
  8. Click Manage Schools.
  9. Click the Action button and select School Licenses.
  10. Click the Action button and select Manage.
  11. In the Add Instructor License section, select the instructor to whom you wish to add seats.
  12. In the Select Seats section select the number of seats to add to the instructor.
  13. Click the Assign button to assign the codes to the instructor.
  14. Please complete these steps for each additional Teacher you wish to add.

Note: Please contact your District Administrator or Technical Support to add additional Schools.