Managing World Language Scores in Clear Learning Center

Follow the steps below to manage scores in Clear Learning Center.

  1. To see student scores for auto evaluated activities or to score teacher graded items, first navigate to the Assignments tab. Then, click on the assignment name for the one you would like to view. 


  2. At the top of the page is a summary of the assignment’s progress. Click the three dots in the upper right corner to preview, unassign, or reassign the activity. You can also export a spreadsheet of scores from this menu.


  3. Scroll down the student whose work you would like to view, then click on the score to review their submission.


  4. For a ClearTalk activity, you can view a transcript of the simulated conversation. Click Play to hear a recording of each of the student’s responses. Use the Pencil icon to adjust the score for each response.


  5. For activities such as auto evaluated textbook and workbook activities, click on the score, then click on the student’s name in the purple space on the right. You will now be able to see how the student responded to each item.


  6. For activities that are teacher graded, click on the activity name to begin your evaluation. On the assignment dashboard, you will notice an Evaluate button next to student work that is ready to be graded.


  7. For textbook and workbook activities:

    1. Once you open the assignment, you will see a purple panel on the right hand side.

    2. Click on the student’s name, then on the attempt, to input the score. 

    3. Record final score locks the activity so that students are able to see their score but not edit their response.

    4. Keep working records the score but allows students to resubmit the assignment.

    5. Finally, click Submit review.

  8. For assessments, such as tests:


    1. Computer-graded items will already be scored.

    2. Teacher-graded items will allow you to select the number of points to award.

When grading is complete, click Submit Scores.