Reset Assignment Status WL

After an activity, bundle or IPA has been submitted or evaluated, you can reset the assignment status for any student submission. You may want students to redo the assignment because they didn’t do well, or you want them to edit an assignment. Each type of activity works slightly differently when you reset it. Resetting returns the assignment to Assigned status but retains the original score and feedback until it is re-submitted and re-evaluated.

You can locate submitted and evaluated assignments on your Class Dashboard. You can look at assignments for an individual student, or all assignments for the class.



The Students tab of your Class Dashboard provides an overview of all students for the selected class.


The Assignments tab of your Class Dashboard provides an overview of all assignments for the selected class. 

Once you have located the assignment you wish to reset, click on it to see the details.

  1. You will see the assignment details along the top, including: Activity Type and Title, Student (click the dropdown or arrows to move to another student), Due Date/time, and Submitted Date/time.

  2. Below is the Attempts information, Score box, Feedback box and the student’s submission(s).



  1. You can only reset an eBook assignment if the student has not yet reached their Max attempts.

  1. To reset the assignment, click Reset Assignment Status. This resets the assignment to Assigned status and deletes the current score, but does not give the student additional attempts or change the due date. You will receive a message .

  2. This will not erase any written feedback that you have entered and students can access that feedback when they view their assignment page. For eBook activities, the student can view their previous attempt(s) when they access the assignment. 

  3. This will also not delete the submissions for previous attempts so you do not lose the record of the student’s attempts. You will enter a new score if needed and can edit or add to written feedback. 

  4. If you wish to give the student more attempts, you can also edit Max Attempts

    1. Click the dropdown menu to change the number

  1. Click the new number. The attempts will be updated.

  2. If the student has reached their max attempts, you cannot reset the status but you can give them more attempts, see above.

  1. You can select another student from the dropdown list or scroll from student to student using the arrows to the right and left of the student’s name if you need to reset more.




  1. To reset the assignment, click Reset Assignment Status. This resets the assignment to Assigned status and deletes the current score. You will receive a message .

  2. This will not erase any written feedback that you have entered and students can access that feedback when they view their assignment page. For Custom activities, the student can view their original submission when they access the assignment. 

  3.  Once the student re-submits the assignment, the new submission will replace the original one. You will enter a new score and can edit or add to written feedback. 

  4. You can select another student from the dropdown list or scroll from student to student using the arrows to the right and left of the student’s name if you need to reset more.




  1. To reset the assignment, click Reset Assignment Status. This resets the assignment to Assigned status and deletes the current score. You will receive a message .

  2. This will not erase any written feedback that you have entered and students can access that feedback when they view their assignment page. They cannot view their original submission. 

  3.  Once the student re-submits the assignment, the new submission will replace the original one. You will enter a new score and can edit or add to written feedback. Recorded feedback and/or proficiency scores are retained unless or until you change them.

  4. You can select another student from the dropdown list or scroll from student to student using the arrows to the right and left of the student’s name if you need to reset more.







  1. eReaders cannot be reset. If you wish the students to read the same eReader again, you will need to delete the original assignment and re-assign it.




  1. With a bundle, you can reset the individual activities within the bundle. Click Reset Activity for each activity you wish to reset. This resets the entire bundle to Assigned status and deletes the current score. 

  2. Any activities that have been reset will not have the option to Reset Activity.

  3. This will not erase any written feedback that you have entered and students can access that feedback when they view their assignment page. * See sections above for how specific activity types behave. 

  4. You can select another student from the dropdown list or scroll from student to student using the arrows to the right and left of the student’s name if you need to reset more.

  1. When the student clicks to open the bundle, the activities with empty stars are the activities that need to be completed. 


  1. Once the student resubmits the assignment, the new submissions will replace the original ones. You will enter a new score and can edit or add to written feedback. 




  1. To reset the IPA activity, click Reset Activity. This resets the assignment to Assigned status and deletes the current score. Reset Activity will then be grayed out.

  2. This will not erase any written feedback that you have entered and students can access that feedback when they view their assignment page. For Custom activities, the student can view their original submission when they access the assignment. 

  3.  Once the student re-submits the assignment, the new submission will replace the original one. You will enter a new score and can edit or add to written feedback.  

  4. You can select another student from the dropdown list or scroll from student to student using the arrows to the right and left of the student’s name if you need to reset more.