Add Students Individually WL

Teachers can manually enter a student’s email address, first and last name, and a temporary password to enroll them into a class. Only use this method for a small number of students. For returning students, the system will automatically populate the student’s first and last name for you, based on the email address entered.


  1. If you are on My Classes, click the name of the class you wish to view. Or, click on the class in the left column.



  1. When you are on the Class Dashboard, you will see the list of students already enrolled if there are any. If not you will be prompted to Add Students


  1. Click Add Student +.

  2. The Add Student window will appear. You can search for a student that may already be in the online learning environment using the search on the right, or click Add New Student.


  1. Enter the student’s email address

    1. If the student is new to the online learning environment, you’ll need to add a First Name, Last Name, and Password (at least 8 characters including a number). 

    2. Time zone should already be correctly populated. 

    3. If you wish to assign all classwork to the new student, check the box to Assign previous class activities to student.

    4. Click Add Student to complete the registration process. 

    5. Provide the student with their password so that they can log in

  2. If the student already has an account, the name fields and Timezone will auto-populate after entering their email address. 

  1. If you wish to assign all classwork to the new student, check the box to Assign previous class activities to student.

  2. Click Add Student to complete the registration process. 

  3. That student should log in at with their previous password. If they forget what that is you can go in later and give them a temporary password.