Complete Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) WL

Integrated Performance Assessments are designed to see what a student can do with the language, and include a single interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational task, as well as an optional reflection task. Your teacher may assign one or more of the tasks related to an IPA at any given time. These are all authentic resources and real-world tasks used to assess and track students' performance. All IPAs are teacher-graded.


  1. Log in to the Carnegie Learning online learning environment and locate the assignment you wish to complete.

  1. Hover over the assignment tile to see assignment details or click the i for more information. Each IPA task will have its own tile.

  2. A blue flag on the assignment tile indicates that it is In Progress. That means that you have opened it at some point, but have not yet completed and submitted it. Your teacher can also see that the assignment is in progress.   

  3.  Click the tile to open the assignment. The assignment will open up on your screen. 

  4. You can maximize the size of the screen and eliminate the top header bar by clicking the 4 corners icon in the upper right hand corner to Enter Fullscreen.

  1. The IPA assignment will open up on your screen with the overall description of the IPA. 

  1. Click the activity in the left pane to view instructions and complete it. IPA tasks have been created as Custom assignments. See Related Articles below for instructions.

  2. The IPA will submit to the teacher once the activity has been completed.

  3. To view completed assignments, check the Submitted tab for items that are waiting for your teacher to score them, and Evaluated for items that have a score and feedback if entered.