Step 3 - Take the Quiz

About the Take the Quiz activity

Take the Quiz is the last activity in a selection. In this post-reading activity, the student answers quiz questions that assess comprehension of the selection while evaluating comprehension skills and levels of thinking. Quiz questions do not include hints, however, the correct answers are revealed in the process of answering the questions. Because the student can take the quiz multiple times, the answers for each quiz question appear in a random order on the screen. This randomization requires that the student actually read the question and answers each time.

ClearFluency includes English instructional text within this activity. As an alternative, you can choose to present this text in Spanish. To enable Spanish instructional text see General assignment settings.


How students work on Take the Quiz

To start the Take the Quiz activity, the student clicks the Start button on the right. If the student has previously worked on this activity, the software automatically opens to the place where the student left off.

To work on Take the Quiz, the student must answer the questions presented in the activity. When the activity starts, ClearFluency shows the first quiz question and possible answers, and, if Audio language support has not been disabled, it reads them aloud to the student. Before answering the question, the student can click the arrow buttons at the bottom of the question to scroll through the selection text for a quick review. The student can click the speaker to hear the question and possible answers repeated aloud.



A quiz question can be true/false, or multiple choice with one or more possible correct answers. To answer a question, the student selects an answer (or answers) and clicks Submit. If the student does not select the correct answer (or answers), the software grays out the previous answer and lets the student try again.



How Take the Quiz rewards progress

Points. The points counter at the top of the page shows the number of points earned in the activity. Students earn points by answering questions correctly on the first attempt. Each question is worth 10 points. When the student answers all of the quiz questions in the activity, the software awards any points earned. The student can take the quiz again at any time, but the points score will not change. To see more points information, the student can check the ClearFluency Points report.

Progress. While working on an activity, students can see their progress in the activity monitor on the right side of the screen. The circle around the step number indicates the number of quiz questions in the selection. As the student answers a question, the circle fills in (changes from blue to yellow). When the activity is complete, the circle changes to green. The student can take the quiz again at any time, but the circle will not change. To see more progress information, the student can check the ClearFluency Points report after returning to the library.

Achievement. When the activity is complete, the step number shows an achievement marker to indicate how well the student did in the activity. This marker represents the first score in the activity. The student can take the quiz again at any time, but the achievement score will not change. To learn more see ClearFluency achievement goals.


Check mark. The student is still developing competency in the activity.

Silver star. This activity is not eligible for a silver star.

Gold star. Excellent! The student has responded correctly to 80% of the quiz questions.


How students complete Take the Quiz

To complete the activity, the student must answer all of the quiz questions. A selection may include 2 to 5 quiz questions. After answering the last quiz question, the software awards any points earned and then adds them to the Points counter. The student can choose to take the quiz again for additional practice; however, they cannot earn any more points or change their achievement score or high score in the activity.

When all of the activities in the selection have been completed, ClearFluency opens the Selection report, which shows the latest results for all of the activities in the selection. To learn more see ClearFluency Selection report. At this point, the student can move to a new selection or return to a previously completed activity. See Complete ClearFluency content.