Assign IPAs from Assignables WL

Digital Integrated Performance Assessments are available for each unit of each level for Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Italian. IPAs are a great alternative to lesson quizzes and unit tests to allow students to show what they can do with the language.

Each IPA is centered around a theme from the unit and on what students should be able to communicate about at the end of that unit. There is a single Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational task, as well as an optional Reflection task. You can assign one or more of the tasks to students. There are also larger IPAs that can be used as semester or year-end assessments with multiple tasks in all modes.

All authentic resources are linked in the IPA task, along with any relevant resource documents. An integration guide and scoring guide with proficiency rubrics are also provided.


  1. You can access your Assignables for your program(s) at any time. 

  2. Select your class from the left column or the My Classes page of your screen.

  1. To browse existing IPAs to assign to your classes:

  2. Use the filters to narrow your search parameters:

    • Type: IPA

    • Resource: not applicable to IPAs

    • Level: You can assign an IPA from any level to any class

    • Unit: not all items are associated with a unit

    • Lesson: not applicable to IPAs

    • Auto Evaluate: not applicable to IPAs

    • Authored by: defaults to you and the program

    • Assigned in class: these are IPAs that at some point have been assigned to the selected class

  3. You can type part of a title in the Search bar if you know the title. 

  4. If you wish to see more than 10 items at a time, change the Items per page at the bottom. 

  5. You can click to sort on any column. The default is by title.

  1. To preview an IPA, click the title of the IPA and then click Preview Activities next to any mode. You can also click the Integration Guide or Scoring Guide to download those PDFs.

  1. Select one or more of the modes to assign to your class or classes. The boxes will be checked and those activities added to the Assign Cart.

  1.  As long as you do not refresh your screen, use your back arrow, or leave the online learning environment, the activities you select will stay in your cart anchored to the right of your screen. 

  2.  When you are ready to assign the items from your cart, click on the Assign Cart to open it. 


  1.  Click Assign. In Step 1, you determine if students complete the IPA via Auto-Progress

    1. On means that students have to complete the activities in the IPA in order.

    2. Off means that students can complete the activities in any order.


  1. Click Next.

  2.  In Step 2, you decide who you want to assign the IPA to and if you wish to change parameters for a class or for individual students.

    1. Select one or more classes to assign the IPA to. 

    2. If you wish, you can change the dates per class. 

    3. You can also click open the class to make individual student adjustments.

    4. Select or deselect students and/or change the dates.


  1.  Click Assign.  

  2.  If one or more activities have been previously assigned, you will get this message.


  1.  If you wish for students to complete the activity again, you should reset the assignment from the evaluate screen.