Create a Custom Activity WL

Custom activities are teacher-created activities that allow you to share resources with students, create short-answer response activities, or allow students to upload different types of files for projects, presentations, etc. 

Creating a Custom Activity allows it to be saved for future use and tagged to the program, level, and unit it is associated with. You can also share your activities with other teachers in your school or district to allow more collaboration.



You can create a Custom Activity from Assignables, or from your Assign Cart if you have already started collecting activities to assign to a class. Some programs have pre-created Custom activities that you can search and assign to your students.

  1. From Assignables click on Create Content, then Activity from the dropdown to begin creating a Custom activity.

  1. You can also create a Custom activity from your Assign Cart by clicking Create.


  1. Both actions bring up the Activity creation window. Click Custom and fill out the form with Title, select a Level, enter the Score Possible, choose a Share With option, and select a Unit (if desired). 

  2. You can also enter a URL that you wish the students to reference and/or Select File to attach additional files.

  1. Choose the Response Type:

    1. Upload File or URL allows students to upload their file or type in a URL to a Google Doc, for example.

    2. Write Short Answer allows students to type a short answer response (<1000 characters) in a text box.

    3. No Student Response is for items you may just be sharing with students. Students will simply mark the activity as submitted acknowledging that they received the information.

  2. In the text box, for Description, type the instructions for the students. 

  1. You can choose to click Create to simply create and save the Custom Activity to the Assignment Library, or you can click Create & Add+ to add it to your Assign Cart and assign the Custom Activity immediately to your students.