How do I sign in to Carnegie Learning with Canvas?

Carnegie Learning is able to provide SSO for Canvas users through our partnership with EdLink. Teachers and Students will authenticate into the Carnegie Learning platform using their Canvas user account to access materials, assignments, and reporting.


Teachers and Students can launch into the Carnegie Learning platform using the “Carnegie Learning - EdLink” application in their Canvas sidebar.


Signing into Carnegie Learning through Canvas

  1. Log in to your Canvas account and enter your course.
  2. Select the Carnegie Learning link from the course sidebar along the left side of the screen.
  3. Your Carnegie Learning service will be launched within the Canvas window and you will be prompted to enter the email address you use to log in to Canvas.
  4. If you do not use an email address for your Canvas login, select the “Don’t have an email address?” button and search for your school in the dropdown menu on the following page.
  5. You will be brought to a Canvas login page, fill it in using your Canvas credentials. 
  6. If a pop-up appears requesting authorization, click the blue Authorize button to finish logging into the Carnegie Learning application.