Add Teacher to School

As a District Administrator, you may need to add new teachers to a school to provide them access to EMC eBooks. Below you will find steps to add a new teacher.


  1. Log in to the EMC eBooks website at and click Admin on the bottom-right of the page.


  1. From the Admin page, click Manage Schools on the top left under the District Admin section of the page.


  1. The Manage Schools page shows a list of all the schools within your school district. Locate the school you would like to add a teacher to. Click Action on the right side of the page and select Teachers.

  1. A list of Teachers for the school you selected will appear. On the top-left of the page, click the red + Add Teacher button.

  1. A list of results will appear below the search box. If the teacher has an account, you will see their name, email address, and role populate in the search results. Click the checkbox next to the teacher’s name and then click the Add Teachers to School button below.

  1. All done! You will see a green notification confirming the teacher has been added to the school.

  1. If there are no results when searching for the teacher account, you will receive a message stating No data available in table. This indicates there is no existing account under the email address you entered.

  1. You will need to create a new account for your teacher by using the Add New Teacher feature on the right-hand side of the page.

  2. Enter the teacher’s email address, first name, last name, and select a password. They may change their password upon initial login.

  1.  Click the red Create Teacher button.

  2. The process is complete. You have created a new teacher account and added the teacher to the school you selected. You receive a green confirmation message.