When your school or school district purchases eBooks, the licenses are loaded into an account specific to the school or district. Schools can be added if there are multiple schools. Teachers are then added to a specific school by their District Administrator and a number of student licenses are distributed to each teacher account.
When a school initially adopts eBooks, one person is designated as the District Administrator. District Administrators are the point of contact for your eBooks and provide the licenses to your account. If you are not sure who your District Administrator is, please contact our Customer Support team.
Distributing EMC eBooks works like a distribution chain.
There are four levels of EMC eBooks management:
District Admin > School Admin > Teacher > Student
Carnegie Learning/EMC assigns the eBooks licenses to your district and assigns a District Administrator.
The District Administrator creates schools if needed and assigns the EMC eBooks licenses to a school within the district.
They may also assign a School Administrator, especially for larger districts.
Either the District Administrator or the School Administrator allocates the EMC eBooks licenses to the teachers in each school.
In smaller school districts, the District Administrator will allocate licenses to the school and the instructors.
Large school districts normally choose one or two people at each school to allocate to the instructors at that school.
Once the teachers have their licenses, they can provide access codes to their students. For instructions on how instructors access their student licenses, see Related Articles below.
The first step for all District Administrators when assigning EMC eBooks licenses to teachers is to allocate the EMC eBooks from your district license page to the school or schools.
Log in to the EMC eBooks website at https://emc.bookshelf.emcp.com/ and click Admin on the bottom-right of the page. If you don't have that option, contact Customer Support.
From the Admin page, in the District Admin area at the top, click Manage District Licenses. This will take you to the District Licenses page which lists the licenses your district or institution has access to.
The District Licenses page displays very important information such as Seat Capacity, Date Expiration, Date Added, Status, and more.
Seat Capacity displays the total number of EMC eBooks licenses available.
Date Expiration indicates how long your district will have access to the particular EMC eBooks.
Date Added indicates when you purchased the eBooks.
Status indicates whether the EMC eBooks are currently active or inactive.
On the far right of the page is the Actions box. Click Actions and you will see a small drop-down box displaying your options, View and Manage.
Clicking View will open the View License page.
Here you can see more detailed information regarding your EMC eBooks licenses.
Clicking Manage will open the District License Management page.
This is where you begin the process of allocating licenses to a school or schools. See Related Articles below to Manage District Licenses.