M&W Edit or Delete Bundle

After creating a bundle, you may need to edit or delete that bundle. You can only edit or delete bundles that you have created, or made a copy of. 




1. Open the Content Library and you will automatically be taken to the Assignables tab. 

2.  Select Bundle from the drop-down filter for Type.  You may also want to use the Search bar to find the bundle you want to edit, and you may need to change the Authored By filter settings.

3. Find the bundle that you want to edit, and click on the pencil on the right end of the bundle line, above the garbage can.

4. The Assign Cart will open.  From here, you can add or delete activities, rearrange the order of activities, change the bundle title, grade, unit, score and who you are sharing it with.  You can also change the bundle instructions in the text box.

5. Click Update to save the changes and store the bundle in Assignables for later usage.   Click Update and Assign to assign the bundle to your students now.

NOTE: Any edits that you make will not be applied to bundles already assigned to students. If you wish to have students complete the revised bundle, you should delete the assignment and assign the newly edited bundle.




1.  Open the Content Library and you will automatically taken to the Assignables tab.

2. Select Bundle from the drop-down filter for Type.  You may also want to use the Search bar to find the bundle you want to delete, and you may need to change the Authored By filter settings.

3.  Find the bundle that you want to delete, and click on the garbage can on the right end of the bundle line, underneath the pencil.

4. Click Yes to permanently delete the bundle.

5. You will receive a notice on the bottom of the screen to confirm that the bundle was deleted.

NOTE: You cannot delete a bundle that is assigned to students. If you wish to completely delete a bundle, you must delete the assignment and then the bundle.