Getting Started with Clear Learning Center

Getting Started with Clear Learning Center


Setting Up  Mathematics Classes in the Clear Learning Center with MATHia in the CLC

Setting Up Mathematics Classes in the Clear Learning Center with Classic MATHia

Completing Your Roster Integrated Class in Clear Learning Center

Accessing Your Course Materials Through the Clear Learning Center

How do I view a different class in the Clear Learning Center?

Searching in Clear Learning Center



Courses in Clear Learning Center


The Course Navigator in the Clear Learning Center

Digital Components in the Clear Learning Center

What is a Digital Lesson or a Digital Skills Practice?

Why would I want to "Preview" a resource?



Assignments in Clear Learning Center


Assigning Content in the Clear Learning Center



MATHstream in Clear Learning Center


Previewing and Assigning MATHstream Content



Reports in Clear Learning Center


MATHstream Reports in the Clear Learning Center: Stream Progress Report

MATHstream Reports in the Clear Learning Center: Student Grouping Report

Standards Reports in Clear Learning Center