MATHia Reports Resources



Explore types of reports available, reporting options, and reporting scenarios.


Progress Reports

The Progress Report provides detailed information about  students and their progress and performance at the module, unit, and workspaces levels in MATHia.


Session Report

The Session Report is designed to give teachers a day-to-day view of MATHia usage. 


Skills Report

The Skills Report is designed to monitor skill proficiency, providing detailed information about each student’s skill mastery progress.


Standards Report

The Standards Report is designed to provide an easy view of student proficiency on specific standards.


APLSE Report

The APLSE score and graph is designed to show progress over time and predict where a class or specific student will end up at the end of a school year.


Leadership Reports

MATHia’s Leadership Report Provides administrators with a single interactive report to assess usage, performance, and progress in all buildings.



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